Monday, March 09, 2009

Discretionary Revenue

Discretionary - available for use as needed.
We are all about finding ways of raising discretionary revenue.
This is what ryanair chief had to say to the idea of charging for restrooms.
Now that he has started assuming which services people will need, I think there are several other options:
Seat - available on demand
Soon there will be standing only planes, a no loo plane etc.
Jokes apart, I think the time has come for the governments to step in and categorize free services I.e. Services for which airlines cannot charge and services subject to charge.
The banking industry has taught us enough lessons to see what happens in a capitalist world without regulation and Govt intervention.
Capitalism is a great thing but we have to be careful that it's biggest virtue of wealth creation does not become it's biggest bane.
Human beings are inherently greedy and self centered (in general) and rather than trying to change that behaviour we should accept it and focus on regulation and appropriate systemic checks.

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