I saw a program recently, which highlighted that the amazon rainforests in brazil were cleared to grow soyabeans, which then served as food for the chicken grown in europe.
Surprisingly, to me, the program was projected as if the people of the area were committing a great crime by clearing the rainforest.
Now, I am all for green, but lets analyse the situation here a bit closely. What the rain forest basically does, is, that it soaks up all the hazardous materials which are produced by people around the world.
I think we all agree that we need land to grow. TO make homes, offices, and other things. Its one thing which always stays - the real estate.
so, what we are basically saying is that - leave the forests as it is, do not cut them. Let them nullify the hazardous materials, which rest of the world produces. But, what about the country which has the rain forest. It, really sounds like charity to me.
I think, the country would probably be right in proposing a green house tax i.e. based upon the amount of hazardous material produced by a country and proximity to the specific rain forest, impose a tax. Isnt it justified ?